TOXKITS Equipment
Microbiotests offers a range of (lab) equipment which are needed to perform the toxicity tests with the Microbiotests Toxkits.
All-round Toxkit incubator
Thermostatically controlled incubator with built-in lights suitable for all Microbiotests Toxkits
Order code TE21 / TE21B / TE21C
Light table
Practical tool for the performance of daphnia toxicity tests with the Daphtoxkit F
Order code TE14
Spectrophotometer Jenway 6300
Visible spectrophotometer suitable to perform algae and protozoan toxicity test:
Protoxkit F – Algaltoxkit F – Algaltoxkit M
Order code TE15
Dissection microscope model SZB 250
Stereomicroscope to perform Microbiotests Toxkit tests:
Thamnotoxkit F – Rotoxkit F – Rotoxkit F Chronic – Rotoxkit M – Ceriodaphtoxkit F
Ostracodtoxkit F – Rapidtoxkit F Thamno
Order code TE16
Duckweed Light Unit
Light unit suitable to perform duckweed toxicity tests with the Duckweed Toxkit F
Alternative light unit, for laboratories which are not equiped with a laboratory incubator
with built-in lights.
Order code TE51